At Delta-Peach Bottom Elementary, the staff and faculty recognize that a healthier lifestyle will contribute to better learning and a lifelong decreased risk in developing chronic illness. New statements from the Centers for Disease Control state that America's children are at risk for childhood obesity, which in turn puts them at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. The health services department of South Eastern School District is implementing programs to increase a "healthy" awareness in our students.
During the school year, students will be learning about health lifestyle choices. My plans are to visit the classrooms and educate the students on ways to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. Bulletin boards and posters are located in the health room and selected class rooms that remind students to eat fruits and vegetables, get plenty of exercise, and the importance of following the My Plate initiative. Also, throughout the school year, the nurse will visit the cafeteria, encouraging students to include fruits and vegetables in their lunch.
Below is information to help achieve a healthier lifestyle:
Wellspan Market Basket of the Month
September Broccoli Newsletter, Recipes, & Newsletter in Spanish & Recipes
October Apples Newsletter, Recipes, & Newsletter in Spanish & Recipes
November Carrots Newsletter, Recipes, & Newsletter in Spanish & Recipes
December Potatoes Newsletter, Recipes, & Newsletter in Spanish & Recipes
January Sweet Potatoes Newsletter, Recipes, & Newsletter in Spanish & Recipes
February Oranges Newsletter, Recipes, & Newsletter in Spanish & Recipes
March Green Beans Newsletter, Recipes, & Newsletter in Spanish & Recipes
April Dried Beans Newsletter, Recipes, & Newsletter in Spanish & Recipes
May Leafy Salad Greens Newsletter, Recipes, & Recipes in Spanish
September Broccoli,
Recipes, &
Kids' Activity Page
October Apples, Recipes, &
Kids' Activity Page
November Carrots,
Recipes, &
Kids' Activity Page
December Potatoes,
Recipes, &
Kids' Activity Page
January Sweet Potatoes,
Recipes, &
Kids' Activity Page
February Oranges,
Recipes, &
Kids' Activity Page
March Green Beans,
Recipes, &
Kids' Activity Page
April Dried Beans,
& Kids' Activity Page
May Leafy Greens, Recipes,
Kids' Activity Page
August Peaches,
Peppers &
Kids' Activity Page
September Broccoli &
Kids' Activity Page
October Apples &
Kids' Activity Page October
November Carrots &
Kids' Activity Page
December Potatoes &
Kids' Activity Page
January Sweet Potatoes &
Kids' Activity Page
February Oranges &
Kids' Activity Page
March Green Beans &
Kids' Activity Page
April Dried Beans &
Kid's Activity Page
May Salad &
Kid's Activity Page