Delta PBIS

Delta-Peach Bottom PBIS

What is Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)?

PBIS places an increased emphasis on proactive approaches in which expected and more socially acceptable behaviors are directly taught, regularly practiced in the school environment, and followed by frequent positive reinforcements. A school that implements PBIS agrees on 3 to 5 positively stated rules or expectations, instructs students on the expectations, provides reinforcements for following the school-wide expectations, provides minor consequences for rule infractions, and uses data on a regular basis to evaluate the school-wide support plan.

What are the school-wide expectations for Delta-Peach Bottom Elementary?

Be positive.
Be proactive.
Begin with the end in mind.
Be of a growth mindset.

More info will be provided...

 How will students be instructed on school-wide expectations?

PBIS tells us that behavior is learned and can be explicitly taught. Students are taught the school-wide expectations during the first ten days of school and throughout the year. Additionally, we host re-teach days where students rotate through several school settings (classroom, gym, cafeteria, hallways, bus, etc.) and participate in discussions and role plays regarding expected appropriate behavior in that particular setting as it relates to each school wide expectation. Previously introduced skills will be re-taught and new skills will be introduced throughout the year on a needed basis.

What will be the consequences for violating a school-wide expectation?

Violations of school rules have will be addressed appropriately by a staff member, a teacher and/or the principal. Learning opportunities and consequences will be based on individualsituations/outcomes. In any situation there will always be an attempt to address a child's behavior at the lowest level possible (if applicable).